Does the idea of starting your own calligraphy business overwhelm you? What if you can move past those insecurities and unknowns, and get to learn how to start a business on the right foot, minus all the heartache? 

Say Hello to the Calligraphy Business Kickstarter. 

Calligraphy Business Kickstarter is a 6-week business course, to help start your business from concept to launch - taught by a calligrapher for calligraphers, whether you'd like to offer a product, service, an online shop or a blend of these.

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And yes, class starts immediately upon enrolment. You'll receive content once every week for 6 weeks.

Starting a business can be really intimidating. You don't know what you don't know.

  • Lack of Knowledge - Where do I start? Do I even register as a business? 

  • Business Direction - How do I decide which path to take that is best for me? What will be my niche?

  • Clients- What are the best practices for the various calligraphy products and services? 

  • Pricing - I have no idea what my pricing should be and how I should position myself? Should I be pricing myself low because I'm just starting out?

  • Marketing- How do I market myself effectively and what kind of content do I need to get the clients I want? 

  • Logistics/Operations - Where do I find suppliers for paper, materials, equipment and all the items I need? 

  • Financials - How do I create sustainable income from this business? How much do I even need to invest to start? 

If there's anything I've learned about starting my own businesses - it's that there are so many pieces in the puzzle that need to connect. You don't have to be an expert in all of this, but you can work with someone who's been there so that you don't have to blindly figure it all out on your own. 

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Hey there! I'm Karla from Written Word Calligraphy

I've been happily running businesses for over 13 years, including my calligraphy business for over 10 years. In my first year of business, I felt thrown into the fire learning lessons after lessons - whether it's finding suppliers, or learning how to price myself properly, or discovering which products and services I had to create so that I didn't feel too overwhelmed (I was juggling my business with my full-time job for the first 2 years), or learning how to communicate with my clients to reduce headache. 

Even with my business degree, design background, 3 previous businesses, coming from an entrepreneurial family, I still had to figure out a LOT of things as I navigated through this unique industry of calligraphy in a new country (I grew up in the Philippines, and now reside in Canada!). 

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But I didn't know any better. It was only when I started to open up and seek help that I realized how awesome it was to have the support to guide me through the ups and downs of the entrepreneur life. 

  • The importance of choosing something that blends your passion, personality and market needs. 

  • The art of pivoting - change can be good, too. 

  • Why it's okay to say no - because your life isn't just all about your business. 

  • How it is possible to work less and actually earn more. 

  • That as your business grows, it's also equally as fulfilling to see your peers do the same. 

Now, I'd LOVE to be able to help you.

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Here's your journey from concept to launch

Week 1: Find Your Niche + Business Model

  • Finding Your Niche in the Calligraphy Industry

  • What are the ways to make money as a calligrapher?

  • Discovering the Best Calligraphy Business Model for You

  • Identifying your Target Market and Getting to know what resonates with them the most

  • Should you go part-time or full-time as a calligrapher?

  • How to research products and trends and apply them

  • All About Competition and how to learn from your playing field 

  • How much does it cost to start a calligraphy business? 

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Week 2: Crafting Your Brand

  • Defining what your calligraphy brand is all about 

  • Creating a cohesive brand guideline

  • How to setup a website for your calligraphy business

  • How to take photos and videos effectively as a calligrapher

  • Curating and developing your social media platform as a secondary website 

Week 3: Connecting the Dots for Logistics and Operations

  • Setting up your business and all the administrative details

  • Building your supplier, manufacturer and shipping vendor list 

  • What to include in your workspace

  • How to manage your time effectively and schedule appropriate time for projects and services

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Week 4: How to Market your Calligraphy Business

  • Creating a healthy mindset towards marketing 

  • Leveraging your strengths for authentic marketing 

  • Using Social Media as a tool for marketing

  • Time-Saving Content Creation Strategies for Calligraphers

  • How to launch your calligraphy business, new products/services to your target audience

Week 5: Pricing with Confidence

  • Building your confidence for pricing

  • The starting point formulas for setting your prices for calligraphy products

  • Wholesale vs. Selling on Your Own

  • How to price your calligraphy services from invitations to signage to in-person events

  • How to price your calligraphy workshops

  • When it is okay to work for "free" and a note on Styled Photoshoots and Building Portfolio Work

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Week 6: How to Communicate Effectively with your Clients

  • Best Practices for client communication for multiple types of calligraphy products and services

  • Tried and True Tips to prevent customer issues 

  • Dealing with Client Pushback and Mistakes

  • Sharing my personal journey and thoughts

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Here's your journey from concept to launch

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Week 1: Find Your Niche + Business Model

  • Finding Your Niche in the Calligraphy Industry

  • What are the ways to make money as a calligrapher?

  • Discovering the Best Calligraphy Business Model for You

  • Identifying your Target Market and Getting to know what resonates with them the most

  • Should you go part-time or full-time as a calligrapher?

  • How to research products and trends and apply them

  • All About Competition and how to learn from your playing field 

  • How much does it cost to start a calligraphy business? 

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Week 2: Crafting Your Brand

  • Defining what your calligraphy brand is all about 

  • Creating a cohesive brand guideline

  • How to setup a website for your calligraphy business

  • How to take photos and videos effectively as a calligrapher

  • Curating and developing your social media platform as a secondary website 

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Week 3: Connecting the Dots for Logistics and Operations

  • Setting up your business and all the administrative details

  • Building your supplier, manufacturer and shipping vendor list 

  • What to include in your workspace

  • How to manage your time effectively and schedule appropriate time for projects and services

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Week 4: How to Market your Calligraphy Business

  • Creating a healthy mindset towards marketing 

  • Leveraging your strengths for authentic marketing 

  • Using Social Media as a tool for marketing

  • Time-Saving Content Creation Strategies for Calligraphers

  • How to launch your calligraphy business, new products/services to your target audience

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Week 5: Pricing with Confidence

  • Building your confidence for pricing

  • The starting point formulas for setting your prices for calligraphy products

  • Wholesale vs. Selling on Your Own

  • How to price your calligraphy services from invitations to signage to in-person events

  • How to price your calligraphy workshops

  • When it is okay to work for "free" and a note on Styled Photoshoots and Building Portfolio Work

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Week 6: How to Communicate Effectively with your Clients

  • Best Practices for client communication for multiple types of calligraphy products and services

  • Tried and True Tips to prevent customer issues 

  • Dealing with Client Pushback and Mistakes

  • Sharing my personal journey and thoughts

Register Here

Here's Everything You'll Get with the Calligraphy Business Kickstarter

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11+ Hours of Pre-Recorded Videos

Lifetime access to videos that go through the foundations of an effective calligraphy business, to help set you up for success with step by step instructions on how to get there. 

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Industry Secrets + Insider Tips

Resource Guides, Templates, Content Forms, and all sorts of helpful documents that will help equip you as you create your own business. Social media Guide? Supplier List?  Launch Checklist?Yes, yes yes! 

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Coaching Chats

2 x private 1-on-1 45 minute coaching sessions (valid up to 6 months) 

The All-Important Breakdown

One Time Payment Plan

  • Lifetime Access to pre-recorded videos + updates value $2250

  • 15+ Worksheets and Guides value $400

  • Private Community Group

  • 2 Private 1-on-1 sessions value $1050

  • All those pretty helpful bonuses value $500

Total Value = $3500

Your Price: $1027

Choose this Option

Three Month Payment Plan

  • Lifetime Access to pre-recorded videos + updates value $2250

  • 15+ Worksheets and Guides value $400

  • Private Community Group

  • 2 Private 1-on-1 sessions value $1050

  • All those pretty helpful bonuses value $500

Total Value = $3500

Your Price: $377/month

Choose this option

If you are Canadian, you can pay the course in CAD. Please email us at [email protected] with proof of Canadian residence (ID or Bill) and we'll help you out. 

Here's what people are saying about this course..

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I was dragging my feet...

I started this course with very little knowledge about what it takes to start a calligraphy business. I was dragging my feet because I did not feel confident in my knowledge about what it truly takes -- even though it was something I had been wanting to do for so long. Karla helped me overcome this road block with CBK and I learned more than I could have imagined! The course is loaded with information and tips and tricks of the calligraphy biz world and I would recommend it to anyone who doesn't know where to begin! 

-Natalie B.

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So, so inspired to get started! 

Karla’s Calligraphy Business Kickstarter course is a valuable resource to have for anyone who wants to start a calligraphy business. This course primarily caters to individuals who aspire to establish a calligraphy business and need guidance on how to start. The course is well curated and contains information to help you lay the groundwork for your calligraphy business journey. Karla’s zealous passion for sharing her knowledge and experience is evident in every module.

-Jess @alcovecalligraphy

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Seriously, this course is SO worth it.

I had already started my calligraphy business for over 6 months and I had not really been getting as much work as I'd like. I felt kind of lost and to be honest I wasn't sure if I could continue doing it, because I kept putting out work and no one was coming to hire me. Learning that I needed to have a specific target market in mind really clicked for me. I thought I could just create anything and everything a client asked for, but if I wasn't putting out work that I wanted to create, there would be no purpose. I'm so excited to recraft my brand in the next few weeks. 


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Worth every penny. 

Karla, words cannot express how sincerely grateful I am for you to come up with this course. I just finished it and it's amaaaazing. I can't wait to rewatch some parts, I'm just so so inspired. I love how you broke down a lot of the tasks into checklists and gave me so much perspective to how to get this right. It's always been my dream to start my own business and you've just brought me so much closer to achieving it. Thank you so much for your time and hardwork into creating such a comprehensive course even to the quality of your videos and to the richness of your worksheets. I can't wait to be part of your "office hour" sessions to pick your wonderful brain. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 


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Our Students Often Ask....

Take a moment to visualize what it's like to own a flourishing calligraphy business...

A creative business doing what you love, creating beautiful things that make you happy, and make your clients happy too. You earn as you work, and at the same time, you earn while you sleep, too. You've found a balance in your work, where you are NOT overworked and underpaid. The right paying clients are walking through your door, and you are confident as you price your products and services. 

Yes, even if it may seem like there's "a lot of calligraphers out there", you CAN have a business where you feel CREATIVE AND SECURE, right from the get go. 

It's definitely possible to transform this dream to life. But, becoming a business owner isn't easy. There are a lot of unknowns and uncertainties. This course is going to help you build those key foundations so that you can do what you love (calligraphy) and live the comfortable lifestyle you've been dreaming of. 

With over $3000 worth of practical "how to" guides, checklists, and videos, it's honestly what I wished I had when I was starting out. But now, through this course, you get to skip a lot of the heartache and learn the exact process I use for marketing, developing new products/services, pricing, and so much more. I can't wait to see you flourish in your calligraphy business through this program. 

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